This brings me to “life in transition.” This birthday IS A MILESTONE!
For the first time in many (yes MANY!) years, I am “transitioning” from living full-time in mountainous, dry-climate Colorado — where children were raised and snow skiing was prevalent – to a new season of life in hot, humid Florida where cruise ships are prevalent and the majesties of oceans surround three boundaries of the state.
Last week was filled with birthday and retirement parties in CO, packing boxes to ship, reclaiming the art of sewing covers for pillows on a sewing machine not touched in 10 years, filling suitcases with “stuff” and arriving in Florida fully exhausted and spent.
And so I left a part of my heart with those in CO after floods ravaged the state, thankful my home and Traci’s is OK but heaviness hangs with those who were not so fortunate. Life in transition.
Truly the Marco Island Marriott is magical, a perfect place for a milestone birthday. Thanks to Traci and Terri and families, it was ‘almost free’ as they say in Mexico.
These are the types of scenes that brought me to love the ocean….. that brought me to realize on a cruise ship you can work and yet play, you can enjoy the likes of glaciers in Alaska, and the next week walk on a sandy beach. I found my niche and explore my passions every day.
I am thankful for this and every day. When I’m working, the view from my office window changes, reminding me of the sunrise and sunsets in our lives. God is good! No matter how you look at it, God is good!
The day is gone. Another season has ended, and another is just beginning.