Hello Happy Cruisers!
I’m not sure where the time goes but didn’t someone say summer is already almost over? Wow! Where did you get to cruise to lately?
We “cruised” up to Baltimore for the First Annual Surge365 Convention the weekend of August 1 and loved the area for more reasons than one. First and foremost, the exciting news of figures released since Surge365 started March 2, 2015 made everyone present stand up and cheer! Check this out!
In 5 months, 6,795 checks sent out to the field, $5,048,000 member savings on travel, $14,760,000 guest member savings distributed and $688,000 in bonuses paid out so far. Would you agree these figures are staggering?!!
I had the pleasure of being with Ms. Juliet St. John who not only received a bonus of $100,000 at the event but also received keys to a brand new BMW convertible. Needless to say I’d like to be like this role model when I grow up!
Having a Travel Club Membership with Surge365 also gives us the opportunity to be associated with and work with an awesome Host Travel Agency, Pro Travel Network (PTN). Speaking at Convention was the Chief Operating Officer of PTN, Ms. Jessica Henderson. And what a beautiful young woman and mother she is! How she manages to do all she does and travel the world is an inspiration to many!
One of the most educational training sessions was on the new phone app that allows a Member to do or send presentations on the company, do 3-way calls immediately, click on Events going on nationwide with Surge365, enroll someone on the spot, take Academy classes and the list goes on and on. In today’s young crowd, this app has been storming the center of conversation in growing a bigger and better business. Even some of us more “mature” folks are enjoying these new brain teasers!
Honors were given to a group called “Founders Circle” among which are CO Marketing Directors Rick and Brenda Reese….. beautiful couple with beautiful spirits! Another Highest Award was given to my own Marketing Director Von Nickleberry.
But all was not business as the SPIRIT CRUISE took off from Baltimore Harbor for a delightful dinner with music onboard while rubbing elbows with the top emerging leaders of Surge365. Needless to say a good time was had by all!
And one of the beautiful things about Baltimore Harbor is the fact families were out everywhere enjoying this big wide wonderful world we live in. I highly recommend this beautiful place to visit and enjoy with your OWN family and friends.
So “Cheers” to all from Baltimore, MD. And just in CASE you are ready to change your lifestyle and start cruising IN style, go to www.LoveSurgeTravel.com and JOIN NOW! Or call 970-396-8253 and let’s chat.
Happy Cruising Folks,
CarolLee Miles